Below is a list of helpful resources and information.
Basic Information: - Good information on all parts of CAP
Cadet Super Chart - Shows all cadet achievements and promotion requirements
New Cadet Guide - Basic information on the cadet program
CAPR 39-1 - Uniform Manual - Website to purchase uniform items
Ribbon Rack Builder - Shows what order to wear ribbons
Cadet Testing:
Online Testing Site - Where you take all online tests and courses
Testing Materials - PDF versions of all leadership and aerospace books
Emergency Services:
Ops Quals - Where you find your 101 card, and view/enter ES qualification tasks
Ground Team and UDF Task Guide - Explanation of tasks for UDF and Ground Team
Online Testing Site - Where you find the GES 116 and other online tests
24 Hour Gear List - What equipment you need for ES
Additional Resources: - CTWG website